Decision Making Process
To make good decisions that generate long term growth and success, it is vitally important be intentional about the decision making processes that are used. Most of us are familiar with process design at one level or another,
and it’s likely that you’ve heard the terms RACI and RASCI. These are coding schemes that are used in responsibility matrices. They provide role clarity to your teams so that process steps are executed well.
Did you know that RACI started as a decision rights coding scheme many decades ago?
Since it has been applied more broadly in process and value stream mapping, it’s not as useful
in the decision rights space anymore. This is why other schemes have been developed along the way like RAPID™ from Bain and Company. This was a great tool when it was developed, but it’s been over 20 years since it was
introduced. It has not been updated to fit the modern realities of business. Consequently, it’s difficult to apply where speed of development, dynamic work teams, and Agile Software and product development is vital. At
® we have pioneered a full update of decision making processes, frameworks, and models and we’ve made the new and extended version of RAPIDS public domain. Our suite of products and services enables a single person and
groups of people through effective and efficient decision making.

Decision Making Framework
Having an appropriately selected decision making framework is the foundation of making good decisions. The framework you choose should enable the right method, such as individual, group, or consensus decision making. We bring deep expertise and partner with you to make good choices. We will work together to identify the decisions, select the framework, define decision rights, and ensure ethical decision making.
Decision Rights
Establishing decision rights are at the core of every effort to improve effectiveness and efficiency. They provide role identification, assignment, and clarity. Role clarity is the number 1 enabler of improving performance in decision making. It drives speed, quality, and the level of effort that goes into decision making. These contribute positively to effective execution. We partner with you and facilitate your team through collaborative planning in decision workshops. These are active problem solving events that weigh the evidence and eliminate bad decision processes.
Ethical Decision Making
For critical business decisions which both affect performance and your organization’s ethics, it’s a good idea to consider using group methods. Group methods can use either a recommendation or consensus approach. The most common in business is a recommendation approach. This helps the team continue to optimize both quality and speed of decision making, and the group activity helps to ensure that ethics are upheld throughout. We bring the expertise to partner with you through these definitions and help you ensure optimal effectiveness.
Strategic Decision Making
Strategic decision making is about making good choices for the long-term success of your organization. Your goals and vision guide the process. Engaging your leadership team in intentional role definition enables your executive leaders to focus on the company’s big picture. Plus it allows your entire organization to align their plans and activities to optimize execution and the achievement of your mission. It gives your operating units clarity and purpose.
Leadership Decision Making
Decision makers must collect inputs, weigh alternatives, and promote healthy business case analyses. This enables the evaluation risks and opportunities, and it yields effective and efficient organizational execution. We can partner with your leaders and help them face high pressure and complex business circumstances. And, we will work with you to maximize decision making speed, quality, and output.
Decision Consulting
Serious decision consulting yields results!
Period. Plain and Simple.
No other discipline correlates as strongly to performance improvement.
Correlation to Performance
In research that has been conducted over the past 10-15 years, the discipline of decision effectiveness has produced some of the highest correlation numbers. When compared to process design, people, and organizational design, decision effectiveness performs better. The BEST performance gains come from the proper blend of these disciplines to drive organizational change and business growth.
RAPIDS Decision Making
Through extensive research and experience we have pioneered an updated and modern toolset that extends the decision making framework. Our improved methodology enables RAPIDS to be used in Agile software development, with SCRUM teams, and with dynamic work teams. The research and publishing that Alonos has pioneered extends the model. This makes it applicable in both individual and group decision making. With group decision making, it is perfectly applied to both Recommend and Consensus based decision making. This makes it directly applicable in Private Companies, Public Companies, Joint-Ventures, Private Equity, Venture Capital backed, and government.
Enabling Agile Development
Agile software development is based on the Agile manifesto and at its core does not ally itself to any specific toolset or fixed methodology. RAPIDS is built for this flexibility and enables dynamic work teams that work in sprints. This enables iterative development where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between development teams and customer needs and requirements. ONLY RAPIDS gives you this flexibility. Other models like RACI, RASCI, and RAPID are rigid, slow to adapt, and inflexible.
Enabling Agile Transformation
Agile transformation is the process of transforming an entire organization to enable Agile software development. In some cases, companies may desire to use the same agile development approach to other products and services. Agile transformation begins with understanding what it is…and what it is not.
Agile is not for every company, every product, every service, and every department. Properly applied, Agile promotes customer focused and iterative product development that enables companies to win in the marketplace. We have the right experience working with companies to define transformational changes. In addition, we have a unique skillset that enables the right balance of role clarity, speed, quality, effort, and outcome.
Decision Making Skills

Through extensive research and experience we have pioneered an updated and modern toolset that extends the decision making framework. Our improved methodology enables RAPIDS to be used in Agile software development, with SCRUM teams, and with dynamic work teams.
The research and publishing that Alonos ® has pioneered extends the model. This makes it applicable in both individual and group decision making. With group decision making, it is perfectly applied to both Recommend and Consensus based decision making. This makes it directly applicable in Private Companies, Public Companies, Joint-Ventures, Private Equity, Venture Capital backed, and government.
Customer Decision Making Training
Agile software development is based on the Agile manifesto and at its core does not ally itself to any specific toolset or fixed methodology. RAPIDS is built for this flexibility and enables dynamic work teams that work in sprints. This enables iterative development where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between development teams and customer needs and requirements. ONLY RAPIDS gives you this flexibility. Other models like RACI, RASCI, and RAPID are rigid, slow to adapt, and inflexible. We offer training and workshops in decision making and decision effectiveness.
University Courses
Our research and expertise is on-going and current. This is why our principal consultant in decision making are doctorate educated and active researchers. They are part of the faculty at leading universities such as The University of Texas at Dallas and Texas Woman’s University. We publish books, peer reviewed articles, articles and white papers, opinion editorials, and university courses that are fully accredited. Work with a partner who’s current and has a high level of expertise; you should trust your business to nothing less.
Our book on decision making is available through major booksellers and retailers. Find “Decide to Thrive: Improving business performance through decision effectiveness” at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million, and more. You can also read an abstract of the book, called the Alonos POINT.